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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

a poem I wrote about Christmas

I was sitting at the cold front window

I was hoping for a cool Nintendo
Outside kids were having snowball fights
I wanted some new boots to take some hikes
Family should be arriving sometime soon
Kids had chosen, the ponds that were frozen
When the family arrives, we will dine
Chocolate would be nice, if it were all mine
The family is here, so now we can cheer
The men are breaking out the ice cold beer
The lit up Christmas tree is packed full
Some of the presents were rather quite dull
The best one was the brand new garbage truck
During this christmas, I had lots of luck

had to write a paper about my self :-)

My name is Zach, I was born July 9, 1996 at the Altamonte Florida Hospital. There are five people in my family, Beki (mom), Todd (dad), Wes(middle child), owen(youngest child), and last but not least me( the oldest). In my spare time I love to read, I have read about five hundred books total in my life. Also I love to paintball, the first time I went was for a birthday party, I was pretty nervous but I got used to the pain. For my twelfth birthday my mom and dad bought me my own paintball gun, I was really excited and could not wait until I could try it out.

Right now there is a lot of government stuff going around, like who is going to be the president and vice president. I believe that there should be a strong government but a small one. They should not be able to control every thing in our life, we should be able to decide what we do. Such as in health care, insurance, and so on. I would like McCain to win but I would be okay if Obama wins. I have accomplished many things, like any other person has, but one thing I did was win the tournament with the ICS 6th grade basketball team. Also when I went to my summer camp in Tennessee I was able to Climb across a huge rock face over the doe river, Also repel down a fifty foot cliff drop of. Also I was able to zip-line into a lake from seventy feet up. Then for grandparents day in 6th grade I was able to get up in front of all the people and read my essays to my grandparents, witch was very hard because I do not like to get up in front of big crowds. I am a Christen and have been one my whole life and do not plan to stop it.

Rene Descartes(some important dude)

Rene Descartes was born March 31, 1596 in France. He died February 11, 1650 in Sweden. When he was one year old his mom died of tuberculosis. His father, Joachim, was a judge in the high court of justice. When he turned eleven he entered the Jesuit College, Royal Henry-Le-Grand, at La Fleche. After he graduated from there he studied at the University of Poitiers. Then he earned a license in law in 1616. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but he wanted to become a scientist.

He wrote many popular books when he was a adult, but two of his most famous ones are: Meditations on First Philosophy, and Discourse on the Method. In Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes asked questions to get the reader thinking about the possibility of knowledge. In Discourse on the Method, Descartes tackles the problem of skepticism. His most famous saying was “Cogito ergo sum” which means, “I think therefore I am”. Also “You can not doubt that I am a thinking being”. Rene Descartes grew up Catholic and so did his family. He was Catholic his whole life and followed the rules of the church and rarely disobeyed their rules. He believed that the body works like a machine, that it has the material properties of extensions and motion, and that follows the law of motion. Rene Descartes had always been a frail individual, and he would do most of his mornings in bed, and that is were he did most of his thinking. He was also known for his work in producing the Cartesian Theory of Fallacies. Descartes based his entire philosophical approach to science on these methods of reasoning: accept truth as only clear, distinct ideas that can not be doubted, breaking a problem down into parts, deducing one conclusion from another, and conducting a systematic synthesis of all things.

We had to write about a hymn

How Great Thou Art was written by a swedish writer named Carl Boberg. This hymn is based on a verse in the Bible, the verse is Psalm 145:3. It says, “Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.” It was made in Sweden, so America had not heard it yet. The first American singer to preform it in America was James Caldwell at Stoney Brook Bible Conference in Long Island. Carl Boberg was a swedish preacher in the 1800’s, he wrote the hymn in 1886. The original name was “O Store Gud”. Carl was inspired to write this hymn when he visited a country side on the southeast coast of Sweden. While he was there, there was a violent thunder storm, he said, “with awe-inspiring moments of flashing violence.” Then right when it ended the sun came out and he heard the sweet songs of nearby birds. It caused him to “fall to his knees in humble adoration of our mighty God.” He then began to wright about his experience and wrote the hymn.

Churches everywhere began to sing his poem during the services. He said he was surprised when his church started to sing it one day, they put it to the tune of a old Swedish melody. During this time, there was a great migration, people all over Sweden wanted to move elsewhere because of many reasons. One of those reasons was there was enough land, so they just decided to move somewhere else. Also, the Government was connected to the State Lutheran Church, so they were either exiled from the country or fined every time they practiced a different religion. Carl Boberg was not really affected greatly from all the laws and problems, he just kept righting hymns about our almighty God.

My favorite lines of this hymn are in the beginning where it says, “O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed.” Those are my favorite lines because they are saying, when I think about everything you have made, I am filled with wonder, and when I see the things you have made I see your power. I like those lines because everything you look at or hear shows that God is real and he is all powerful.

Prince Caspian

Prince Caspian is an extremely exciting book. It has epic battles and mischievous characters who are all in different places with their faith. Four of them are Nikabrik, Trumpkin, Caspian and Trufflehunter. They all have different beliefs that affect their actions.

Nikabrik was a dwarf with a sour attitude. He did not want to believe in the old kings and queens. He was almost always gloomy, and when all the other animals were dancing around the fire he did not join them. Nikabrik’s faith was not strong in the beginning of the book. Near the beginning of the book, his faith was weak. He did not believe in Aslan, and said that he never existed. Because of that, his actions were not great also. He offered to call ogres, hags and other dark creatures to come and help them in the battle. This shows that he did not have faith in the good side, and he thought that he had to invite dark and bad people to help them.

Trumpkin was very faithful to Caspian, but not so much to Aslan. He said that he did not believe in Aslan because nobody had seen him for so long. This does not affect his actions too much because he still goes and helps Lucy,Susan,Edmund and Peter, and still takes them to Prince Caspian. But then his faith changes when he finally does meet Aslan face to face. He is overwhelmed, and was sorry that he did not believe in him sooner.

One of the most important characters in the book was Caspian. Caspian’s faith remained strong throughout the book. Even when his uncle was chasing him everywhere trying to kill him. He kept faith when times were hard and they were about to fight a battle. He was also kept faith in Aslan right when he learned about about him. He was a great leader because he always encouraged his troops and never gave in to evil.

Trufflehunter was very wise and very calm. He had strong faith all the way through the book. He always believed that Aslan would come back when they needed him, and he always had hope. His faith did not really change because he already had lots of faith in the beginning of the book. He always believed that there was a way no matter what, even if it seemed impossible.

The person who changed most in his faith was Trumpkin. He started out not believing in Aslan or any of the old Narnia beliefs. In the end he believed in all of it. He changed a lot because he did not want to believe something that he could not see. So when Aslan showed himself to them he saw him and he then believed in him. This is comparable to modern day faith because sometimes we start to walk away from God because we start to sin and do bad things. But we do not go back to God because we do not know that he is really loving us so we just keep on walking away. But once God reveals himself to us, then we start to believe and follow him again.

Canterbury Tales

In school we read the book Canterbury Tales. In this book there is a group of thirty pilgrims traveling to Canterbury. While they are traveling they have a contest who can tell the best story, whoever wins gets all there meals for free on there way back. Throughout the book they all tell there story, but the story I think was the best told was the Pardoner’s tale: Death’s Murderers. In the beginning of the story a guy named Grab just heard that his friend Colley caught the black death. So Grab got his friends together (who were Dip and Cut) and they set out to find death and kill him! When they were looking around for him they came across this old man traveling alone. So they asked if he knew were death was and he said over there under the tree and so they go over to it and find a pot of gold and ends up killing each other for the pot of gold. I thought that was the best story told because it has a good meaning to it, “Never be so greedy that you would kill your friends for it.” But the worst story told was told was probably the Nuns priest tale: The Nightmare Beast of the Firebrand tale. In this tale there is a roster named Chanticleer, he had a dream that a big beast attacked him while he was crowing in the morning. So he tells his wife about it and she just tells him it was just a dream and it will not come true. Then it was time to go out and crow to wake everybody up, so when he got to the court yard there was the monster in his dream! It really was not a monster it was a red fox, he was about to run but then he started to talk to him about how long he travled to just hear him sing. So Chanticleer started to crow, but then the fox came up and scooped him up in his mouth and started to run of with him, but then the people who owned him ran after the fox with brooms trying to get there roster back. Then Chanticleer convinced the fox to turn around and make faces at them but while he did that the roster sliped out of his mouth into a tree. I thought this was the worst story because to me it did not really have a meaning to it, like there was nothing to learn from it. To make it a good story it would have to have a good ending, a point to it, and a good plot.

Thomas Hobbes (scientist)

Thomas Hobbes was born April 5,1588 at Malmesbury in Wiltshire, England. He died December 4,1679, at age 91. His childhood is unknown and we do not know his mothers name but his fathers name was Thomas. His father was the vicar of Westport. His father had to leave his three children with his older brother after he got in a fight with a clergyman outside of his own church, so he was forced to flee London. Hobbes was educated at the Westport church from the age of four. Then he went to a private school, and after that he went to Oxford University.

Hobbes first area of study was physical doctrine of motion and momentum. But his most favorite field of science was politics. Also, he was the first western philosopher who proved necessity of a political state. He thought that humans were addicted to power, which leads to war. Thomas Hobbes also said that humans have a natural instinct to fight for power , thus, a need for a very strong government. He believed in a very strong government, with lots of rules and harsh punishments. Hobbes wrote a book on strong government called Leviathan. In the book, Hobbes argues for a social contract and a rule by absolute sovereign. Thomas Hobbes was a Christian. He was a Christian his whole life and was one until he died. He was a pessimist, which means he would always think about the worst. When things quieted down a little bit in England, Thomas went back home for a while, then his former pupil, Prince Charles, became King Charles II. For many years Hobbes published his ideas without incident.


In many books there are stories of how the world was created and of how it will end. I am going to be taking two authors books and be comparing and contrasting them to how the world began and how it will end. The books I will be comparing and contrasting by C.S. Lewis are: The Last Battle, and The Magicians Nephew. These are about how Narnia began and ended. The other book is by a man named Edith Hamilton. He wrote a book about Greek Mythology.

The Magicians Nephew, which tells of the beginning of Narnia, takes a different approach to how the world was created. In this book Narnia was just pitch black, then Aslan,the lion, came and began to sing. As soon as he started singing, things started coming up from the ground and light started to appear over the horizon. Animals started rising up from the ground like flowers on a spring day. There were forests and gigantic mountains, and animals walking around looking at everything curiously. Aslan then walked up and granted a few animals the ability to talk and understand humans. That was the beginning of Narnia. Through out the years of Narnia’s existence , many adventures happened. There were great battles and many tales. They lived on until the last battle where everything was lost and Narnia was destroyed and took everything along with it.

The day Narnia ended was a very confusing one. Many things were going on at once. There was a battle and a monkey trying to pretend that a donkey was Aslan. The end of Narnia started with a little shack that people were being thrown into and they would disappear. So then Eustace ,Jill, and Tirian all got thrown into the shack were it was believed that Tash was sleeping. They found themselves in a whole different land. They were just looking around when Aslan came up to them and started talking to them. Then they found the kings and queens of the old. Aslan brought them to a door that opened up to Narnia. Aslan walked through the door and all the giants woke up and the people in the sky came down. All the stars in the sky came falling down and then they saw that they were actually people. All the animals of Narnia came rushing towards Aslan and stopped directly in front of him. Any animals that were afraid of him ran away but everybody else stayed. Finally they all went into the door and then a giant reached out and put out the sun with his hand. The whole world was in total darkness and Narnia was no more.

In the book of Greek mythology the world started out as nothing. But it just so happens that two children were born out of nothing. After they were born, love was born out of them, and love created light and light created day. All of life started working together like gears on a clock. There were seasons, night, and day. There was life and death, but the first people on the earth were the children of mother earth and father heaven. They were human but not fully human, they were like monsters. They had the strength to move mountains and create earthquakes. Then came the cyclops, that were as tall as giants, they were so powerful they could destroy mountains.

Narnia and Greek Mythology are both the same because both started as nothing. They both had people on the earth in the beginning. Also they are both not real, they were just made mythological. But they were different because Narnia was created by a lion rather then gods and goddesses. Also the Greeks thought that love created light and the world. It was also different because Narnia had people and talking animals but the Greeks said that there was only people in the world.

In conclusion, these stories beginning and ending were both similar and different. They were similar because they both started out as nothing and both had people on it. This shows that there are many ways different worlds were created and destroyed that people believe.


This is somewhere that I will just be posting random papers I have written throughout my school years. Some of them may not be interesting and some of them might. Later on I will be posting stories that I just think up. Hope you enjoy them!